

So many of us across the Nation are starting to realise that, all along, we've been wasting a whole lot of plastic. Admittedly, it took a pep talk from Sir David Attenborough but I feel like we're finally getting somewhere. If you don't already know: a lot of plastic waste is floating around our oceans and, now more than ever, it is affecting our wildlife in the deadliest ways. So much so, there are multiple laws running through the political streams at the moment such as the plastic bag charge, the 'banning' of plastic straws and potentially cotton buds. As well as this, it doesn't even take a dig around the internet to find out how we can reduce our plastic waste in the most simple little ways.

As my family, and I imagine many other families, haven't always taken the best precautions when it comes to the disposal of plastic products, it's naturally not the easiest thing to introduce new traditions into a routine. Because of this, I hope to start putting my ideas into action when I move out into my own place this year. So here's what I want to do to help reduce plastic waste.

Look for Recyclable Products or 'Naked' Products
There are so many different signs and logos about that indicate if a product has been recycled or is recyclable. It only takes a little read on the back of your product and you can generally find out how and if you can recycle it. However, with the movement of reducing plastic waste coming into play across the world, a lot of brands are focusing on how to make their products even more sustainable.

Yes To's range of facial wipes are all 100% compostable wipes which mean that they can happily biodegrade away on the ground and thus not build up waste. I've been lucky enough to try the Coconut Face Wipes recently and I love how they smell - they seem like the kind of item that I'll definitely be packing in my holiday luggage.

Similarly, Lush Cosmetics sell not only bar soap, but bar shampoo and also released a campaign recently on 'Naked' cosmetics. The shampoo bars from Lush are fantastic too; they lather up brilliantly and don't strip or damage your hair at all. It really goes to show that we don't always need plastic packaging to make great products.

Use a reusable water bottle
This one is super easy and simple. I'd love to be able to always remember to take a water bottle out with me. This way, I won't find myself buying plastic water bottles when I need one. It's a great idea to buy a bottle that you can pop through the dishwasher every now and then to keep the germs at bay and ensure you can carry on using it for a long time. Even if you do find yourself purchasing a plastic water bottle from your local shop, don't forget to take it home with you and reuse it again next time. So many people forget that a water bottle can be used more than once - it does not have to go in the bin after that first drink.

Avoiding plastic food wraps
I've got to admit, I'm already half-good at this one because I generally hate the smell of food wrap, but I am a sucker for popping a handful of fruit or a sandwich into a plastic food bag. The ease of it makes it the most appealing thing to do but, there are other ways that food can be preserved without the use of plastic. For example, there is aluminium foil which does the same job as your plastic wrap. Alternatively, reusable plastic/glass containers and boxes do just as well too.

Reusing carrier bags
God bless every specimen on this earth that walks into a shop with their own bags. But hang on - I'm not that bad. We do generally take our own bags for a shop but it often springs to memory on our way to the checkout and one of us has to run out to the car to fetch them. After I've moved out, I'd like to be able to think that I can master to the talent of remembering my own bags.

I generally think that people of the UK are a lot better at doing the whole 'reusing bags' now. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm only speaking on behalf of a few local families but, there just aren't as many carrier bags in our houses anymore. For example; if you're from the UK, and I mean, REALLY from the UK, you most likely have a bag in your kitchen full of bags. Or at least you used to. We had a cupboard that would puke plastic bags all over you as soon as you'd open it but, these days, you're lucky if you see a bag in there. When the 5p bag law came into play in 2015, I didn't realise that it was going to really make this much impact. Now, with less bags, there is that little bit less plastic waste.

Start purchasing straws of different materials
Not only do I want to avoid buying plastic straws to reduce plastic waste but secretly it's because I've always been eager to try the glass and metal straws. The glass, metal, and even some heavier duty plastic straws are designed to be popped into the washing up basin or dishwasher and reused again. They're a great idea. As well as this, there are biodegradable straws out there too such as paper and cellulose straws that could be worth a try.

Plastic is recyclable. We're in the 2018 and that kind of thing can be done - people just aren't always making the right steps to make it happen. This not only includes reducing the sheer amount that we use and waste but disposing of it in a proper way.

It breaks my heart when I see plastic littered on the ground, bags tangled up in trees, or beaches dotted with god-knows-what from god-knows where. If you've read this post and decided that you aren't able to use a reusable water bottle or 0% plastic products, then that is fine. It is just so important that, if we keep using plastic, we dispose of it in the correct way. Don't throw it on the ground; pop it in a bin or even take your plastic waste to a local recycling centre. Little actions will always make a difference.

How do you plan to reduce plastic waste in your household?

*I was very kindly gifted the Yes To Wipes but all opinions are my own and honest.


  1. There's a place in heaven for people who remember to take bags shopping haha, I never ever remember! Totally need to invest in a new water bottle.

    Steph x

    1. There definitely is! I've been getting a little bit better at it lately :p

  2. My Mum and I have got massively into our recycling this year and cutting down waste, so it's great to get a few more tips under the belt x


    1. Ah Thank you, I'm glad you are putting it into action and that you enjoyed these tips :)

  3. I definitely will be trying those Yes To facial wipes in future. Totally agree we need to reduce plastic waste - we’ve got better with the plastic bags but the straws will defo pose an issue to me, I’m going to have to buy paper ones; I have super sensitive teeth and basically only drink through straws. Lovely post xx

    Soph | www.lovesoph.co.uk
