

Seeing as though it's been a little while since I did my last Catch Up, I thought it was necessary to pop another one up on the blog. If you've never read one of my catch up posts then all you basically need to know that it's usually just a little update on what has been happening in my life recently and sometimes what is to come. Oh, and it's typically a bunch of random things waffled into one place.

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First of all, you can see the things that I've been loving throughout the previous month in my '6 Things I Loved In April'. One of the items in the blog post (the gifted Beija London lingerie) kicks off my first Catch Up point that is basically about how my blog is going. I've felt incredibly lucky over the past month as I seem to be getting a steady influx of 'Blogger Emails' drop into my inbox. Out of 5 opportunities that I've been given this month, I've managed to be able to take on 4 of them. Having a hand of these cards is something so mind-blowing for me.
I've always blogged for myself - I've never been the 'blog-for-free-stuff' kind of gal but there's no denying that there's a little squeal in my head every time I get an exciting email. Anyway, going back to how this links to my April Favourites, one of the things that I was gifted recently was a beautiful set of luxury Beija London Lingerie. This is one of hopefully many exciting things to come for my blog; things really do seem to be looking up. Keep an eye on my blog and my social media (especially Instagram) to find out the new things happening.

I'm generally feeling pretty proud of my blog statistics, too. There seems to be a steady upward flow on figures: I've finally got passed the 1,040 mark on Instagram (and the 1,050 mark but let's not make promises just yet) and realised that I'm nearly at 650 followers on Bloglovin. For me, this is all so fantastic and I'm beyond grateful.

Oh, and while I'm typing this, I'm one day into using the new 'Bleet' App. Are you using it?

While blogging is a big part of my life at the moment, there have been other random bits and bobs happening. While I'm writing this, I'm recovering from having a skin-tag mole removed from my back. The particular mole has been on my lower back for my entire life but, as I grew, it naturally got bigger over time. It has had certain dications over my life - wearing certain clothes and what not. Even my prom dress was something that I made sure covered my lower back. But now, it's gone. I am really hoping that this gives me a new lease of confidence.

More other exciting things have been and are expected to be happening: Jamie and I went to view our new flat for the 3rd time to refresh our minds and check things over again. We continue to feel really happy and excited about our move - the place seems to have so much potential and we're eager to make our mark (which for me, of course, means just putting a bunch of plants everywhere).

As well as this, in completely random news (but in true 'Catch-Up post' form), I taught myself how to dutch braid my own hair. And, crazily enough, I actually grinned with pride just writing that. If you can only french braid your hair, you'll know the pure frustration you feel when someone says 'Um, I dunno really. You just.. kinda.. do it in reverse' after you'd asked how they dutch braid. To me, learning how to do this took more than just 'doing it in reverse'. It felt like learning to write with my left hand. Or it's like the feeling of tying an apron behind your own back. Now, though, I almost feel like it is actually easier to achieve a tidier look by doing dutch braid so I'm definitely going to keep at it. Let me know if you want a blog post explaining wtf I'm going on about.

For things yet to come, there is a refresh of stock heading your way at Jayman Designs over the next month or so. Jamie has finished his time at his 9-5 job and is really delighted to be able to focus his time an efforts into selling our artwork. We'd both really love it if you could check the page out and/or follow us on Jayman Designs Twitter to help support a small business.

As well as working on selling our own artwork and prints, Jamie and I have also been lusting over some of the prints by The Old English Co. to go in our new flat. There's actually a really cute Giveaway on Old English Co. for the celebration of their new set of Enamel Pins. There are so many gorgeous pins on there, it makes me want to order them all. If you head over and enter, I wish you the best of luck!

So if this is the first Catch Up post that you've read: welcome to my random life and the corner of my blog where I really do ramble for the sake of catching up. For me, these posts are like when you don't see a friend for a long time so you kind of just pour everything out as quick as you can. I hope it's not too much fuzz for your brain to handle today. See you next time.

What random things have you been up to lately?

*I was asked to provide this link by Old English Co and recieved a voucher in return. All oppinions, as always, remain my own.


  1. Hahah I can do a french braid (which still remains as one of the skills I'm most proud of) but I don't know much about the dutch! Seems worth a try. And congrats on the rise of numbers on Instagram and Bloglovin :) I've been trying to get more Bloglovin followers lately but I have no idea how! Any tips? xx

    Joanne | With Risa: A Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you - I might do a blog post soon on Bloglovin growth so do keep an eye out :) x

  2. I love a good catch up post. Dutch braiding is tricky so well done. I can do it but it often takes several attempts to get it right. Congrats on your blog opportunities girl!

    Steph x
