

I don't know if it's normal or crazy to have a 'favourite month' but, if any of you do, I'm placing high bets that it's your birthday month. I think it just happens. Whether you have big or small celebrations for your birthday each year, I think there's just something so endearing about the month that we were born in. However, for me, it's not just my birthday that gets me excited for March. Every year, it just seems to be the month that I wait for, and the month that brings me great things. Here's why I love March.

Pretty much smack-bang in the middle of March, my Birthday creeps up and, while I don't get as many Barbie dolls and teddy bears as I used to, I still get pretty excited. Last year I was beyond lucky for my birthday; my parents treated Jamie and me to a trip to The Grand Hotel & Spa in York and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The whole weekend ran so smoothly and, even now just writing about it, I have so many lovely memories. As well as this, my friends surprised me to a meal at the Estate Hall - it was fab.

Oh and, might I add, the year before that, my early birthday present was a bloody trip to Iceland! How could I forget? In 2016, right at the start of March, my parents and I went to Iceland and there's absolutely no doubt that it was an experience of a lifetime. Since then, I've only ever wanted to go back over and over again.

This year, Jamie and I are heading back up to our favourite City, the city that holds a special place in my heart: Edinburgh. My last two trips to Edinburgh were in the summertime, and many times before that were generally in the winter, after Christmas. As I go to Edinburgh every year, I thought this year it would be nice to mix it up a little and go in March, for my birthday. Jamie and I are planning on doing some relaxing in Edinburgh, we've done the sightseeing and the novelty bits - now it's time for us to use Edinburgh as a place to indulge, and I definitely will do so. Leave your suggestions of things to do in Edinburgh.

As someone who loves winter, I can't believe that I'm actually getting a bit sick of it now. It's cold, it's dark, and it's all a bit dead. I want to be able to go on walks and not see through the trees. I want to be able to put a bunch of tulips in my house without feeling like they're shivering as I watch the TV. I am so delighted that, while it may feel like a long way off, March means that Spring will be emerging. Clocks will be coming forward, nights will get lighter and MAYBE (just maybe) we'll see the sunshine.

This year I seem to be pretty excited for daffodils. I'm not usually a daffodil kind of girl but, as the winter dinginess has well and truly overwhelmed me, I could do with some bright yellow in my life. What flowers do you want to see at Spring?

January is beyond a painful month, February goes by in a flash of love hearts and pancakes so, by March, I think all of us are ready for a nice relaxing month that is pretty long without feeling as long and January. The holidays in March are cheerful; we have Mother's Day, St Patrick's Day, Easter (did someone say chocolate?), and for some people, a 2 week holiday.

Anyone that has holidays planned in the summer will most likely start looking at their countdown apps in March, buying bikinis, and getting their first boost of excitement. I know that I will be this month, despite already having my bikinis out of shear over-excitement a few months ago.

For me, this month should come with some very exciting improvements. Jamie and I started viewing flats in February so, hopefully, by the end of this month we will know exactly where we are set to be living, and potentially start some decor planning. Because that's something that we've been thinking about for a while, it's super thrilling to finally see some action.

What does March mean to you?
Which month is your favourite?


  1. Hope you have a lovely March! It sounds like you have a great month planned! Xx

  2. I agree that March seems to be such a cheerful month! My birthday is in April so i love April but I love March because it's spring!

    1. It definitely doesn't feel like spring at the moment but I'm hoping that it's on it's way pretty soon :p x

  3. March is so much better, than February :))) I hope this month will bring you a lot of happiness and inspiration ;)

    Lots of love ♥ Janury Girl
