
Edinburgh Trip 2015

On Friday 2nd my friends (Lucy and Millie) and I kicked off the New Year with a trip to my favourite winter city: Edinburgh. We had this planned since July and I was super excited since because I go to Edinburgh nearly every Christmas time, it's fantastic!

We set off on a two hour train journey on Friday morning. When we arrived we hit the shops straight away for a good look around. At this point I was showing the basics to my friends, they grasped the city's layout pretty quickly as we used Princes Street and George Street for our sales search.

We did some more shopping on Saturday, I got a new top from Topshop which is totally me and then a new purse in the Cath Kidston sale. Although I didn't buy much, I love both of my purchase.

On Saturday, a trip to Grass Market via the Castle and the Tartan Mill, had my us in the ultimate vintage shop called W. Armstrong & Son. This shop is much loved by my family and any of the people we ever bring with us on our trips to Edinburgh therefore I thought I'd show my friends. 

W. Armstrong & Son is the quirkiest, most interesting shop full to the top of vintage clobber. From wedding dresses to hip-hop 1960's patterns and everything in-between. It's so fascinating and almost a look on history as you walk from year to year of fashion railings. 

Along from W. Armstrong is a little café. This place is called Mary's Milk Bar and is near the top on Trip Advisor for café's in Edinburgh (Oh yes, I do my research), so I was so happy that it was open. Mary's Milk Bar is super adorable; made up of pastel pink tables, homemade chocolates, delicious ice cream flavours and a fantastic view of the castle, this place is perfection. My friends and I decided to go for a mid-afternoon hot chocolate - myself and Millie got Milk Chocolate, Orange and Cinnamon - which turned out to be one of my favourite ever hot chocolates. So good, I bought a packet (which was £9.50 for a 250g bag of infused chocolate shards, ready to melt and drink at home).

On our last evening, I introduced my friends to another family favourite. The Dome Bar and Restaurant attracts tourists all around the year - especially at Christmas. The place glows like a symphony of fairy lights with the extra added smell of pine and cinnamon... it's Christmas haven! The decorations are so vast that they have to close for a day in order to take them down. 

Lastly, our meals throughout the trip were from La Tasca and Jamie's Italian. I thought I'd book two different cuisines, both of which were de-lic-ious! La Tasca is an all time favourite of mine and I'm (not so secretly) a huge fan of Jamie Oliver. We also visited Tiger Lily which is another bar that's pretty posh. The decorations were lovely, so suave. 

Despite Christmas being over, hanging on to the festivities came easily as Edinburgh glistened the last sparkle of fairy lights. If you're planning on going to Edinburgh then I'd recommend the Chirstmas season.

On Saturday we went Ice Skating at St. Andrews Square which was an oval shaped rink around the monument. I uploaded a picture and a Time-Lapse to Instagram for you to check out. 

What city do you love at Christmas?
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  1. looks weird seeing photos of my city

    1. Hahaha, jealous!!!!! Congrats on the perfect city ;)

      Alice x

  2. Gorgeous photos, I've always wanted to visit!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  3. so many lovely photos!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

  4. those quirky shops look amazing!

    Just followed you on bloglovin and on the google friend connect thing x any chance for a follow back on either? the links are on my blog - www.oohlaluce.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thank you, I will check it out sometime :)

      Alice x

  5. I live just outside Edinburgh and I never get bored of going in! It's brilliant! We take a family trip in for dinner each Christmas and this year we went for a meal at the Dome, it was amazing.

    Sounds like a brilliant trip!

    Heather x

    1. O wow! That sounds fantastic!!
      I'd love to live in Edinburgh at some point in my life :D

      Alice x

  6. it looks amazing, i'd love to visit one day!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. You definitely should if you get the opportunity :)

      Alice x

  7. looks great ! lovely post :)


  8. Sounds like a great trip with your friends! Beautiful photos, now I really want to visit! :)


  9. I love Edinburgh, such a wonderful place to visit!
    Great use of photos to by the way :) xx


  10. I loved Edinburgh, we went last summer and I am going back in June. The dome was so close to where we stayed. Would love to go at Winter too :)

    1. I'd love to check it out in the summer too :)

      Alice x

  11. Alice it looks amazing! I will deffinately visit this year no matter what, im getting excited thinking about it! Looking foreward to having a hot chocolate in Mary's Milk Bar, sounds delicious. Amazing blog post by the way, love your blog so much I read it all the time ;) Jamie x
