
Oy! Skincare by Green People - Review

*This blog post contains gifted items but opinions are 100% my own and honest.

Rewind to March when these products dropped through my letterbox and I finally got the chance to try out skincare made for my skin. Oy! - otherwise known as 'Organic Young' - is a skincare range produced by Green People and is specifically tailored for young skin like my own. As the name mentions, the brand is certified organic as well as being vegan, fair trade and cruelty-free. The range itself was developed by the founder, Charlotte, in order to aid some of her daughter's skin problems so, presumably, this is a range that has been created with great care and consideration.

I received 3 products from Oy! but have been more religiously using the Clear Skin Cleansing Moisturiser and the Clear Skin Purifying Serum. Here's what I think of them after 3 months of use:

Oy! Clear Skin Cleansing Moisturiser

This is the product that I use the most out of everything I received and managed to quickly integrate into my daily evening skincare routine. While I use SPF moisturiser every morning, this is the moisturiser that I like to apply to my skin after an evening shower in the hopes that it's cleansing qualities will help expel any day-to-day skin residue after washing. 

The moisturiser contains Prebiotics, Willow Bark, and Green Tea - all supposedly effective for acne prone skin - as well as Mandarin extract for aiding cell renewal. It is 89% organic and follows all the brand's ethics, formulated with 'no nasties'. 

With a surprisingly thin and sticky consistency in comparison to what I'm used to, the feeling of this once applied to my skin was something that originally put me off this product. While the moisturiser soaks in, it can feel quite unbearably sticky on the skin. Nevertheless, after a few minutes, the product soaks in and that feeling disappears. I must say, though, a little goes a long way. In fact, applying too much leaves me feeling coated in it, not to mention how excessively sticky that leaves my face. 

I would describe this scent as very similar to the 'Karma' range in Lush. Understandably, this strong orange fragrance comes from the Mandarin ingredient which I have a feeling doesn't place much purpose other than a sweet smell, but certainly does that job well. While I believe the smell in this product is strong, I'm lead to believe by the brand's website that their products are suitable for those with eczema and psoriasis with not a single mention of 'parfum' in the ingredients list.  

Does it work? 
Honestly, to my actual surprise after 3 months of use, I actually love this product. It really does work! My spots have really settled down since using it, whether that is down to the Green Tea, Willow Bark, or Prebiotics, I don't know. In a way, I'm happy to get over that icky consistency as it really does seem to have a positive effect on my skin.

Oy! Clear Skin Purifying Serum

I don't use this product quite as often as the other because I don't always have the time or feel the need to apply it. I will aim to apply this all over my face around 3 times a week for added protection against blemishes. I will use this as almost a base for my moisturiser as I certainly don't feel it is moisturising enough to be used alone.

The serum includes Willow Bark like the moisturiser; it also contains Aloe Vera, Tea Tree and Rosehip, all designed to soothe and help keep skin healthy.

The serum comes out of the tube in a rather lumpy, thin, clear gel consistency. When you begin to massage it into the skin, the gel disperses into a more water-like feeling and spreads very smoothly over the face. I have found no particular sticky feeling from this, certainly not one as striking as the moisturiser.

Still continuing in the moisturisers footsteps, the serum has a strong smell again. Actually, it follows even further in that the most prominent smell is one of the least effective ingredients, this time being chamomile. While Chamomile is mentioned on the website as one of the ingredients, it isn't mentioned any more than in that one, small space. Nevertheless, it smells lovely, with a calming, sweet blend of lemon and tea tree.

Does it work? 
I can't give a real answer for this one as, with the ingredients overlapping with that of the moisturiser, and the fact that I use them in unison, it's hard to tell if the application of this just 3 times a week is working miracles. I'm more easily awarding my clear skin to the moisturiser because I use it so much more frequently and can see much more of a difference even when I skip out the serum step. However, I've found the serum is a nice added touch to the skincare routine for improving the softness of my face and generally feeling like I'm adding some helpful, natural ingredients to my young skin.

-- -- -- 

Overall, these are products that I would definitely recommend to others, specifically young people who are suffering from skin problems. As someone who suffered from facial eczema as a child, and experienced great anxiety surrounding the issue, this is something that would have helped me so much. It's also great to know that the product is ethically suitable and contains no controversial ingredients such as fragrances and parabens. It's also worth mentioning that 10% net profit is donated to charity - how great is that?!

What feels like a wholesome brand is producing brilliant, tailored, and effective products and I'll definitely keep using these two items in my skincare routine.

Have you ever tried Oy! skincare? 
What skincare are you loving right now? 


  1. I really love the OY! range, such great products!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Totally didn't think I was going to love them as much as I do! :P x

  2. This sounds like such a fab brand, will definitely have to check them out! Loved the review xx

    Amelia | rosetintedpics.co.uk
