
January Favourites

I have been loving a few things this month and the whole time I've been waiting to share with you the things that I have loved. I have a few beauty things and a few random things, just to mix it up a little.


I got Soap & Glory Clean, Girls Body Wash mini in my advent calendar and I have been loving it. I explained it in the blog post when I got it in my calendar. It's got a musky smell and it's a pearl-y colour. I have really enjoyed using this in January and I think I'm going to end up buying the full sized bottle. 

I got my sister the The Body Shop Absinthe Purifying Hand Wash as a Christmas present and I just can't resist using it. It's an incredibly fresh smell, basically just smells of leaves and plants. Because the smell is so fresh it makes your hands feel fresher. The only thing wrong I'd that it isn't moisturizing so I use hand cream afterwards. Luckily I use the Absinthe Hand Cream to save the gorgeous smell being blocked out, yey!

I got the La Roche-Posay Physiological Cleansing Gel as a stocking filler for Christmas because a cleansing gel is something I've had my eye out for a while. If you're a common reader of my blog then you should know that I love a trust products from La Roche-Posay so ideally I wanted a face wash from that brand. Removing make-up is a lot easier now that I'm using this however I am finding a few spots in my hair line which I think is due to it not being properly rinsed from my hairline. So wiping there with a light sponge is a step that I'll have to start including. 

 This came in a set of mini Kiehl's Patchuli & Fresh Rose Bosy Cleanser, Creme de Corpse and a Mango Lip Balm. I love this shower gel it's really fresh rose and what I describe as a pink smell (often floral and girl-y, but not sweet and sickly). The full-sized bottle is £19.00 so I am savouring this shower gel. I think I will eventually treat myself to a large bottle of this because it really could be worth it.  

Random/Non-beauty Related

Geek Girl by Holly Smale is a very rated book that has been floating around the charts. I decided to give it a try because one of my New Years Relsolutions is to make more effort in reading books (my goal is maybe 1 book every 1 of 2 months - I'm a really slow reader tbh). I haven't finished it yet, I'm about 3/4 of the way through and so far it's a great story line that has you laughing, shocked, cringing and intruiged. It's very light hearted and I've decided to get the series read before they are something that I will grow out of because they are on the boarder line of being too young for me. 

Yankee Candle in Summer Scoop was a present off one of my friends for Christmas. It simply smells like sweet strawberries and 'Dolly mixtures' (if you don't know what they are - they are traditional British sweets).  I have been burning it a lot. It burns quickly and well in a great circle, which pleases me. I love it's container because the lid is a pretty stand, it's almost a great ornament. I'm half way through and I'm prepared with a sampler for when it runs out. 

Sherlock season has 3 been named BBC's most watched drama in a decade, and I know why. This is the most capturing crime drama based around Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) scouring the well-known places of London in order to solve some gripping cases. It has me on the edge of my seat, and if you're reading this thinking 'yeah, yeah, whatever', then I'd like you to give Sherlock a try because it's not how you expect. So I currently love Benedict Cumberbath and when he won an NTA I definitely screamed because we got to see his trunks. (I watched 9 hours worth of Sherlock in 1 day)


  1. The Summer Scoop Yankee candle smells amazing! I'll have to check out the Geek Girl book:)

    1. I have the second in the series an I'll read that afterwards :)

  2. Lovely selection of products, that candle sounds amazing (:


  3. I love Sherlock but was a little disappointed with this season. But the ending was great! :)

    P.S. Please can you remove your captcha from your blog so it is easier to comment on the posts!


    1. I personally loved this season, it was my favourite but it did feel very 'detective-less' more of a story x
      Also, I might consider x

  4. Just found your blog and it looks really nice :)

    chelsea - chelsealesecret.blogspot.co.uk
