
Why You Should Blog More About Local Life

As bloggers, we too often set our sights on working with the big shots and, far too rarely want to really showcase what the local community around us has to offer. Whether you live in a big city or a small town, every place has its quirks and unique areas or businesses and I think it's about time we show them off. Here's why you should be sharing more about your local life...

Rekindle your own desire
Since starting to blog more about what is around me in Newcastle, it’s enabling me to discover exactly that. I would have had no idea about half of the places on offer in the city centre if it wasn’t for other bloggers pointing them out on their feeds. Similarly, as I yearn to blog more and more about places in Newcastle, I’ve found myself researching the next place to go, opening my eyes to places that I probably would’ve walked past beforehand.

SEO reasons 
It’s often forgotten about just how powerful local searching can be in terms of blog engagement. I mean, see it from your own point of view; if you’re the kind of person to Google search ‘Place to eat in Edinburgh’ you’re most likely going to come across a blog post. As a local, especially, people may trust you better, ultimately retreating back to your content for more ideas. So, next time you’ve found some great brunch spots in your area, don’t forget that that info could be helping others too, potentially resulting in a healthy handful of page views for you.

Giving Back
We’ve heard it all before; ‘support local businesses’ and ‘give back to the community’. With the likes of Brexit looming over, local businesses really do need your help to not only keep them running but helping to earn livings. For me, whenever I’m invited to check out a new venue in Newcastle, the thing that warms my heart the most is when I hear about how the artwork is local, the food is locally sourced, or the bar celebrates brewers from nearby. If you can help support these kinds of institutes, you’re not only helping one local business, but you’re creating a domino effect; aiding in the upkeep of many small and growing businesses all around you.

Making yourself seen
I often get asked ‘How do you get invited to these blogger events?’ And, a lot of the time, my answer is that I make it seen and heard where I am. The PR companies aren’t going to invite you along if they don’t think you are actually able to get there. Publishing blog posts, tagging Insta locations, and adding local hashtags is just 3 ways of how you can make it obvious that you are interested in joining local events and, believe me, a lot of the time these events are very fun so you’d be treating yourself by doing these simple things.

Don’t let yourself believe that you are closing your audience demographic simply by publishing a blog post about a nearby restaurant. You are widening your repertoire, broadening your portfolio, supporting your town, and falling back in love with what is on your doorstep. We should all be excited by the thought of bloggers sharing the excitement of what their town has to offer, I know I certainly am. 


  1. I loved this post, I totally agree we should all blog more about our local area. Its nice to give back to the community and celebrate whats on our doorstep!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Yesss!! I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea but it is definitely where we're all headed in this 'Brexit' Age 😋

      Thanks, Lucy!
