
5 Random Things I Discovered This Summer

It’s been a long summer - many days off, many relaxing times, and very many fun times. It was a great way for me to invest some more time into blogging, meet new people, and spend time with those I love. Of course, it wouldn’t be a true ‘Rose Glow’ reflection if it wasn’t completely random though, would it?! From food, theatre productions and places; here are the random things that I discovered this summer.

Tynemouth Market
It’s been on my list of places to visit for the longest time and, finally, we decided to do it. We were lucky enough to get a rather nice day to do so, bar the insatiable rain. Nevertheless, we even decided to buy a metro day-ticket and take a look up to Whitley Bay too. I have to say, though, the Tynemouth Market was my favourite part of the day - I simply couldn’t believe how large it was. There were stalls after stalls, as well as food vans (featuring my beloved Acropolis) and unique shops. I will definitely be making Tynemouth market part of my monthly routine and have been told that I should definitely visit at Christmas time.

Rocky Horror Show
Completely and utterly late to this party but, I guess, there has to be a point in everyone’s life in which they discover the wonderful world of Rocky Horror and, for me, that time was this summer. Along with my sister and mum, we watched the fabulous RHS production at the Newcastle Theatre Royale (which is a fabulous theatre, fyi) - this show features Duncan James as Dr Frank and I was just blown away at how alive he was in that role. The whole show was laughs from end to end, a completely unique piece that I would see over and over again. Having never seen the RHS prior to this, I definitely feel like I was considerably late to that party.

Mexican Rainbow Salads
It doesn’t really get more random than this but, you guys know by now, I love my food. And, as summer comes along bringing its salads with it, I decided to try out a Mexican Rainbow salad and now I feel like I never want to go back. It feels so good to be eating a colourful plate and generally makes eating a salad 100x more exciting. Even more, it can be completely customisable and I love that. I will definitely be dragging these into the winter with me and seeing what other colour schemes I can substitute for plain, old green.

Coffee and Donuts
Two wrapped into one, here. Let’s start with coffee. It’s a drink that I feel I’ve always been on the edge of enjoying and knew that, as my tastebuds matured, I’d begin to enjoy the taste. This summer, along with the help of syrups and sugar, I’ve begun enjoying a cafe latte more than ever before. One thing I must say for anyone aiming to widen their drinks palette like me is to avoid sugar-free syrups. They are watery and weird, if you’re going to load yourself with caffeine and milk, you might swell keep the sugar in their too.

Donuts, on the other hand, has always been something that I adamantly hate. And, to be honest, I’m not completely on the dark side just yet. For me, I stop at a custard doughnut (or perhaps anything filled to the brim with something sweet (i.e. Nutella, which I’m now drooling at the thought of)) and the idea of a plain glazed doughnut still weirds me out a bit. That deep-fried dough flavour isn’t my jam (pun completely intended) right now but cover it head to toe in sugar and custard, and I’m there!

So, this winter you’ll find me eating colourful salad bowls, followed by a creamy doughnut and a viewing of The Rocky Horror Show (oh, and a Christmas visit to the Tynemouth market). I’m stocked up with new discoveries and excited to see what I’ll be learning about in the next coming months. What did you discover this summer?


  1. Tynemouth market sounds fab! I can imagine it being amazing at Christmas time! The rainbow salad looks delish too xx

    Amelia | rosetintedpics.co.uk
