

I would probably consider it a rare occasion if I get to the bottom of a product worth talking about. I usually find something new, lose it behind a pile of new products, or let it go past it's use-by. 'Cus of this, I reckoned I'd celebrate my achievement by discussing the items that I've completed and, most importantly, if I'd repurchase them.

B O T A N I C S    R A D I A N T    Y O U T H   D A Y    C R E A M

I loved this stuff from the get-go. Not only does it smell like florally goodness, but it also sits really well with my skin type. As someone who was always attached to the same moisturiser for years, when I took a new step towards this, I was scared but I was pleasantly surprised. An anti-aging, gingko, radiant youth, spf cream ended up being my skin soul-mate. So much so, this little tub went on a Spanish holiday with me. The SPF15 kept me protected from the strong sun without giving me any of the usual suncream breakouts. Other than that, I still used this every day in the UK in a battle to fight aging from UV rays - obviously, though, that's something difficult to measure just one year on. 

Would I re-purchase?
Yes, and I have! As soon as the last little drop of this escaped the tub I was straight back in Boots to grab a new one. Luckily, there's often offers on the Botanics products in Boots, so I managed to get a new one at a discounted price. Definitely worth every penny.

B O T A N I C S    R A D I A N T    N I G H T    C R E A M

Like two peas in a pod, this next product sits perfectly alongside the previous one. Despite their difference in colour and consistency, they're products designed to work together. As this is a night cream, however, it does lack the SPF15, meaning you don't get any unnecessary additives on your face - especially at the crucial skin-replenishing time while you sleep. While the Day Cream is a thin, white cream, this is a thicker more gel-like moisturiser but has the same level of moisture as the Day Cream - it reacts just as well with my dry-combination skin type too.

Would I re-purchase?
Unfortunately, I don't think I would. Because the Day Cream worked so well with my skin AND had the extra benefit of SPF, I didn't think twice on re-purchasing it. This, however, does seem to do the same jobs that a lot of other moisturisers do. I haven't re-purchased it yet just because I'm sure lots of other brilliant products will catch my sights but that's not to say that I'll never consider it again.

S O A P    &    G L O R Y     A R C H E R Y    B R O W

If you've been following me long enough, you'll know that this is definitely a product that's been re-purchased a few time before because it's not only the perfect match for my eyebrow colour but is a great way to perk up my eyebrows even when I'm in a rush. The precision brush at one end is exactly what it says on the tin, precise enough for drawing in life-like hairs in areas that are a bit more sparse. On the other end, however, is a smooth crayon for filling in. As I mentioned, the colour is really great for my eyebrows but, I've got to admit, it does seem to fade and run out after a few months of use so, if you have dark brows it would be worth you going for a dark shade.

Would I re-purchase?
As I mentioned before that there's always the possibility of new, perhaps better, products coming along, I reckon I still would re-purchase this one. It's just such a trust-worthy product and there's nothing handier than begin able to feel confident about your brows with a quick flick of the pencil. I will, however, keep an open mind.

What products have you finished using 
recently and would you repurchase them?


  1. I love Botanics products, I haven't used them for a while actually but this has reminded me!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. Yeees you should totally get back to them - they can have some great benefits like the SPF 😍 x
