

After living in the comforts of a village all of my life, moving to a big City for University was a huge step. Not only would I have to navigate busy streets, complicated public transport, and the sheer amount of people, I'd also have to tackle the nightlife. Of course, I don't have to go out at night in Newcastle but, as party season starts, and nights get darker, there's more possibility that I'll start feeling a lot more fear in the town.

I think it's something so important to talk about, too. Not everyone gets the chance to talk about the fears of night-life in such a public space like this and, in some cases, people don't even want to think about it. But, unfortunately, in this day and age, it's something that needs to be spoken about. 

Luckily, the amazing campaign Shout-Up is coming back to Newcastle for their 4th stage of work and they're planning on making the 'toon' a safer place to be at night. 

So what is Shout Up?
Shout-Up is an initiative led by Newcastle Council and Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland (RCTN). They work with venues across the city to train staff, raise public awareness and stamp out sexual violence and harassment. The campaign aims to deliver a safer place for women and men, just like you and I, to enjoy themselves across the city.

The campaign focuses on bystander intervention by making the venues and patrons collectively responsible for the safety of men and women by recognising the sexually aggressive behaviour.

Which venues are taking part next?
If you know Newcastle, you'll be delighted to hear that some of the most popular venues have already taken part in the group's 'Phase Two'. Venues in Ouseburn, Jesmond, and The Diamond Strip have already been part of the previous Shout-Up movement. The venues on The Diamond Strip include: Tup Tup Palace, Perdu, Flares, Retro, Florita’s, Madame Koo, House of Smith. 

Next up, venues in the City Centre are taking part and Shout-Up is going to be focusing on the 'student experience' and set for keeping students, specifically Freshers, safe. The new venues of Phase Four include: Newcastle University Student Union, Northumbria University Student Union, Tiger Tiger, O2 Academy, Powerhouse, City Vaults, Bier Kellar, Digital.

What makes Shout-Up different?

Unlike other campaigns such as Ask for Angela, which, although are still a step in the right direction, inadvertently place the responsibility on the victims to remove themselves from the situation, Shout-Up trains venue staff to spot the signs of sexual assault and ensure that the perpetrator is removed from the venue. So, while I said "Of course, I don't have to go out at night", this fear of risk certainly shouldn't be stopping me. Knowing that there's going to be people around me that will be trained for the worst situations makes me feel like I'd be less of a responsible victim. This campaign changes the whole dynamic of sexual harassment, for me.

So what can you do?
To ensure that this amazing campaign is fulfilled to its full capacity, it would be amazing for you all to show your support. Follow them on Facebook and Twitter, spread the word amongst your friends, and make sure you visit Shout-Up Ambassador Venues.

With the help and support of campaigns like this, 
we can all make Newcastle a safe place for a great night.

This blog post was sponsored by Shout-Up


  1. very good initiative (I follow them now). Back in the days when I used to go out at night clubling, dining or even just for a movie in London, on few occasions, have been follow up to my door step, once a group of men grabbed my butt as they walked pass me, have been called many names, threaten to give my number, once I even was asked by a stranger to go to an hotel with him and many other shitty things ...Now that I am with my partner I no longer have to deal with all these but I am thinking of the future of my daughter that he s only 19 months old but I already worry when she'll first go out at the age 18 for a movie, clubbing etc. Anyway I am glad things are changing even so it will take a very very very long time for really to change but step by step we 'll get there.


    1. I really hope that campaigns like this are going to succeed, especially for the sake of your daughter x
