

It's crazy to think that it is coming up a whole year since myself and a bunch of other bloggers were contacted and taken on as ambassadors for the skincare brand, Botanics. As many ambassador contracts go, this one was also on a 12-month basis and therefore, as August comes to an end, so does this chapter. I've really enjoyed being part of the Botanics community; I've met so many brilliant bloggers through it and, as I became an ambassador at the start of my blogging journey, it has helped me learn and grow too.

Being an ambassador meant that I was lucky enough to be sent products in the post every so often. The products varied across the range, from brightening and hydrating the skin to rejuvenating youth, as well as 80-100% organic products - I was delighted to dip my toe into every different concept they had. Of course though, amongst all of the products, I definitely had my favourites. Some of the products I even now couldn't do a day without. Here are my favourite Botanics Skincare Products from my year as an ambassador.

Hydration Burst Day Cream.
This day cream was received quite recently, actually and, to be honest, seeing as though I had already found a lot of products that I liked over the previous year, I didn't really expect another one to come along. Here's the thing, when I was younger, I suffered quite badly with sensitive, dry skin so the only day-to-day facial moisturiser that worked for me was a thick balm. Since being with Botanics, I have discovered so many more gentle products that care for my skin just as perfectly, if not better. This Hydration Burst cream is something that I will definitely be taking into the Winter with me as it is a thick gel-like consistency and really does settle into the skin with a soft and hydrating feel and, despite the thick consistency, it is generally lightweight on the skin. The 'Clary Sage' ingredient also gives it a wonderful smell that I find quite hard to describe.

Organic Rosehip Facial Oil.
If you had told me a year ago that I would be loving applying oil on my face, I wouldn't have believed you. I especially wouldn't have believed you if you told me that this adorable little bottle could provide enough moisture for my skin to be revived after a shower. This 100% organic, beautiful smelling bottle of goodness is a powerful force in disguise. Even just 3 drops and I can go about my day with a fresh feeling face. Not only that, but it seems to give me a bit of a glow that sometimes, on a lazy Sunday or a Monday morning, is well needed. 

I wrote more about the Rosehip Facial Oil here.

Organic Rosehip Hydrating Super Balm.
I've heard of a few different products like this - the kind of balms that are designed to be your all-over-body saviour - but I had never actually given one a go until this pot arrived in the post. It's one of those products that is little and sweet, but mighty and lasts a long time. It serves me as a perfect pocket-sized moisture SOS for times of need. The thing that I have found it most useful for is a chapped nose. When I have been experiencing colds or hayfever, I often get a very dry and chapped nose from using tissues but this balm can come straight out of my pocket and soothe the soreness as well as preventing any more dry skin from appearing. The Botanics Superbalm works particularly well for this purpose because it smells so luxurious too.

All Bright Refreshing Eye Roll-On.
In a way, this one has a little bit of a sentimental value as it was one of the first products I received as an ambassador and now, in the final month, I have just completed a giveaway with another one of these products. First of all, it has an amazing cooling and refreshing metal roll-on ball applicator which I find brilliant for a pre-bedtime skincare routine to help tired eyes feel a bit more relieved. The actual product itself is very lightweight and gentle with a very calming floral scent. I can see this product as a beautiful gift for a friend who likes to practise self-care evenings.

Radiant Youth Protecting Day Cream.
I reckon as a 19-year-old, ageing and 'looking youthful' shouldn't really be top in my criteria for a day cream and, honestly, it's not, yet this moisturiser has managed to surpass all of the others out there and become my favourite Botanics product of them all. With a scent that I think resonates with parma-violets, this product doesn't only smell and feel good AND provide excellent hydration, it is all topped off with the SPF 15 UV protection. Many of you may know that there has been plenty of cases in which SPF has been the 'key' to younger looking skin and, quite frankly, I am secretly hoping that using this every day will help keep my own skin looking youthful and, most importantly, help prevent UV damage. I used this product on holiday when walking around the Spanish towns and it did successfully keep me protected from sunburn but didn't have to suffer that greasy feeling that suncream can often have. I wrote a little more about this product here.

I am really grateful to have been part of the Botanics Brand
ambassador team and to have received so many fantastic products that have
helped change the way I look after my skin.

What are your current favourite skincare products?


  1. I haven't tried any of the Botanics products before but I'm so desperate to, they sound like such an amazing treat for your skin. I love the sound of the eye roll-on. My simple one is a holy-grail product for me but I'd love to give another one a try.

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

    Chloe x


    1. They're brilliant and so affordable too - I'd say definitely try them out :) x

  2. This was such a useful and informative post, Alice! You really go into detail about your opinion on each of the products that you talk about and you have definitely inspired me to try out more of the Botanics range. How cool that you got the opportunity to become an ambassador for them - get you girlll!

    I have tried out a facial scrub and a cleansing balm from them before, which I recently did a review on, as I loved them, so I'm going to have to raid Boots soon and see if I can find any of the beauties you have mentioned!

    Jade xx | www.simplyjadey.co.uk

  3. Yes you should definitely try the rest of the items - they're all completely worth it! Thank you so much for your kind words, sweetie :) x
