

I think it's safe to say that, for me, October has been brilliant this year. While there may have been moments where I've felt a bit down, in hindsight there has been so many amazing things happen to me. This post is something that is going to be a bit of a mash up because, while I did plan on doing an October Favourites, October Round Up/October in Pictures, AND a November goals, I have decided to whittle it all down into one collective post where, in a few months or years time, I can look back and see exactly what October 2017 brought me.

So, I reckon the best way to do this is to be my little organised self and split this up into sections. Firstly, I'd really like to share the things that I've achieved recently (I enjoyed sharing this for September in this post), as well as my favourites, a round up, and November goals. So, depending on what you're most interested in, you can just follow that section. Anyhow, here's how my October went...


As I mentioned in the September achievements post, I have recently came to some sort of acceptance with myself when it comes to feeling proud of myself. I feel like, in this competitive world, there often isn't enough time to sit down and reflect on the things that you've recently conquered; be it big or small. 

GETTING A JOB - This month I have achieved something pretty big on my scale and that is finally getting a contracted job. As of late October, I officially became a team member with Superdrug as a sales advisor. While it may be far from the career aspirations that I do have, this finally makes me feel like I have my feet off the ground. I went through a period of time where I was feeling extremely worthless because I was yet to find a job while everyone else was earning their own money and it did put me in a bad place; now, I feel like myself again because I have achieved this milestone.

FOLLOWERS - Now that I'm feeling happy and more consistent with my Instagram 'theme' or 'aesthetic' - as well as receiving some lovely messages about my feed - I think it's starting to show with my follower count. So much so, I'm heading towards 500 followers which is making me really happy! Now, believe me, I'm not the kind of person to check my follower count twice a day and aggressively unfollow anyone that unfollows me, but when I do have a glance at the numbers, I am feeling pretty happy with my little progress.

DRIVING - Calm down! I haven't passed yet. Sweetie, that isn't for a long time yet. My 'achievement' with this one is just plain old sticking with it. If you know me or have read in previous posts, you'll know how much I hate driving. I have no interest in cars, I have about an ounce of patience (which is already given up by the follow-to-unfollow people on Instagram), I'm scared of going fast, and I just generally don't like learning that way. So, sweet little October has brought me the achievement of perseverance with driving. Despite the long way left to go, I'm keeping my chin up and looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel.


THE BODY SHOP FUJI GREEN TEA BODY WASH AND MIST - After my trip to the Body Shop Blogger Event I discovered the Fuji Green Tea Range (I know, I'm late to this bandwagon) and completely fell in love. As the Green Tea season in The Body Shop had came to an end, the Metro Centre store had very little products left there so I was unable to buy the body mist and shower gel. Fortunately, there was still stock on the website so I got straight there. I have been obsessed with this refreshing smell and often get complimented when I'm wearing it. I honestly can't believe it's taken me this long to Find it.

SURE SENSITIVE DRY MAXIMUM PROTECTION ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT - Blah blah blah, breaking boundaries, blah blah, talking about natural bodily functions. Basically, like every human being, I sweat. I also have sensitive skin. And, wow! This deodorant has been amazing to me recently. The thing that I love most about this product (besides the lovely, cream consistency that is perfectly sensitive) is how long the smell lasts. There's only one way I can describe this smell and that is: clean. It smells fresh and for SUCH a long time. It's so refreshing to see a product actually do it's job and make you feel happier with yourself.

TONI & GUY SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER - There's countless variations of Toni & Guy hair washing products out there but this month it's been less about their hair saving, moisturising, nourishing, purifying, volumising qualities and simply just the fact that a lot of their shampoos and conditioner smell incredible. Their lushes scent not only lasts in the shower but I can actually still smell it for the full day afterwards. There's just something so satisfying about a hair product that doesn't just wash out.

BOTANICS ALL BRIGHT REFRESHING EYE ROLL ON - As you may already be aware, I am a brand ambassador for Botanics in Boots stores and, at the end of September, I was very kindly gifted some more products from them. This time, I got the Eye Roll On and, throughout October, I completely fell in love with it. There's often a misconception that bloggers always give flattering reviews when they're gifted products out of gratuity but, honestly, this eye roll on has been incredible to me (and occasionally my boyfriend who has taken a fancy to it). The lightweight gel glides perfectly onto the skin under the eyes and, because the roller ball is metal, there are excellent cooling qualities to it. If I've had a long day or just removed a full face of make up, this little gem is my knight in shining armour. While I do love to use it every morning and night, it's particularly appreciated in those kinds of situations.


WATCHING - I've been watching a lot of Vlogs this month and they've particularly been my best company at breakfast. Besides watching the obvious ones like Zoe and Alfie, I have discovered Good Mythical Morning which is basically talk/game show style weekly videos hosted by two guys: Rhett and Link. If you haven't discovered them yet, check them out - they'll most likely put a smile on your face.

READING - Yep, that's right, I picked up a book this month for the first time in so long. I'm currently reading The Manifesto on How To Be Interesting by Holly Bourne. I might not be very far in but I'm feeling content that I've been picking it up.

EATING - Strangely enough, the meal that I've been craving this month has been something that I have loved all of my life: Spaghetti Bolognese. I think the colder nights have urged me to eat cosier and more hearty meals which is why this has made such an appearance.

TRAVELLING - My heart has been stolen by the stunning North Yorkshire this month which, to my advantage, is just about on my door step. You'll know this if you saw my posts about Thorp Perrow and Ilkley. I think at this time of year, there's nothing more magical than truly embracing the UK's most natural locations.

ENJOYING - Taking photos. I feel like my inner-blogger is really starting to sprout lately. Don't worry, I'm not taking pictures of every single piece of food that I eat, I just keep finding myself filling up my camera roll after every trip out. 

EMBRACING - Autumn. If I say the word 'autumnal' to my boyfriend one more time I think he will break because I am SO obsessed with Autumn. I have bought new autumn jumpers and picked up tonnes of red leaves. This season is just always on my mind.


In November, I really want to prove that I can do this. Wether that is continue driving with a determined mind set, show my work colleagues that I'm worthy of being there, or generally just being my own girl boss. I'm so proud of how my anxiety has been somewhat the underdog in October and I really want that to continue this month.

I'd love to go the whole month on a steady and healthy Xmas present plan. At this time of year, I'm not the only one that winces at money spent so I do wish to try my hardest at being calm and collected and getting things done as early and efficiently as possible. 

In terms of Social Media followings, I'd love to get my Instagram up to 550 by the end of November in order to eventually finish the year between 600-700. I feel like, with the algorithm and what-not, Instagram has been my least favourite platform lately but, now that I'm getting comfortable with my feed, I really hope that this goal is achievable. 

Get ready for Blogmas. You heard it here first! This year, for the first time ever, I am *hopefully* going to be doing my very own '12 Days of Blogmas' which means that from December 1st and December 24th, there will be 12 posts up. However, as I am now an employed woman, I better get a move on preparing these posts...

And breathe! I hope you enjoyed this mash-up blog post!
How did your October go?


  1. Congrats on finding a job! That feeling of seeing everyone else work while you are at home can be so discouraging, I've been there too. I hope to be healthy too, and write more on the blog this season. I hope you achieve all of those goals this season! :)

    Sending light & love your way,

    My Lovelier Days

    1. Thank you so much! Best of luck with your goals too x
