


This year's birthday present came in the shape of LUSH's fairly new product: Daddy-O Shampoo. This shampoo claims to be special for blondes and grey haired specimens, and, after having my hair transformed from fair brown to pending blonde in September '15, I decided it was only righteous to give this a go.

I've been using this product regularly since the middle of March. Two months later and I've swallowed (not literally, please don't drink shampoo) just over half the bottle of my 250g serving and recently re-purchased the 500g bottle for when I run out. 

So, it's already fair to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this product. When I sat down to review this product, I decided to weigh up the Pros and Cons - here's how that went:

  • The metalic purple colour of this shampoo makes me want to rub it between my fingers for the entire shower. It's stays purple for long time unlike other deep coloured shampoos that quickly turn into white suds. So if you're buying this, be prepared for purple suds all around your head (and probably shower).
  • Clean hair! Everyone wants a shampoo to do the obvious job of washing your hair. Luckily, this shampoo leaves my hair fresh, clean, and happy.
  • The smell is divine. I have experienced multiple occasions where others have complimented me on the smell of my hair, even when I just walk past. It's a zingy parma violet smell due to the ingredients of lemons and violets leaf. My boyfriend says "It's the nicest thing I've smelt from LUSH".
  • There is a perfect consistency. The shampoo isn't too thick and it also does just run away onto the floor of the shower. The time it takes to later up is just fine, no waiting around necessary.
  • You also don't need to use too much of it for it to wash your hair. As I said previously, I've been using this shampoo for two months and it is about 1/4 of the way full.
  • Lush remain animal cruelty free, vegan, and recyclable with their products which is always a pro.


  • I started using this shampoo just after I had my hair re-bleached and I have to admit that my hair colour still deteriorated the way it would if I had used any other shampoo. Perhaps this shampoo would have a better effect on more white blondes and grey colours.
  • It has a pretty hefty price tag. I personally believe it is worth the price and the 500g bottle for £18 is good value when the 250g is £11. Some people may not be prepared to branch out that much for a shampoo.
  • One of the main ingredients is lemon. I'm sure lemon is supposed to have rather drying qualities on your hair/scalp and, after bleaching my hair, that's not something I want to happen. As someone who suffers with dry skin, I have previously been warned against citrus products by a Lush worker. I guess I just have to trust Lush with this one - there isn't any visible affects yet.
  • Finally, my eternal turn-off with some Lush products is the parabens. The nasty little parabens creep too often in their products. They've reformulated some products which I see as wonderful but I'd love to know if they're planning a bigger future of paraben-free Lush products. However, right now, this shampoo is on my head for a few minutes and gets washed away down the plug hole, so I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. 

I would recommend this shampoo to anyone. If you don't buy it, at least pop
 into store and give it a good ol' sniff. 


  1. I've been using Lush shampoo bars lately and have wanted to try this shampoo for a while. I agree with your point about parabens, I hope they begin to introduce some paraben free products, they really should! Great review though, it was quite helpful!

    My Lovelier Days

    1. I really enjoy the shampoo bars too! Thank you very much - I'm really glad you liked this review style x

  2. Love your review! Thanks for sharing dear!
    Love from www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  3. I really wish I could smell that product through the screen... that needs to be a thing one day! I have black hair so I'm guessing it won't be that useful for me, but I'm sure it'll be great for others!
    Aleeha xXx

    1. It works perfectly fine for black hair too, it'll make your hair smell great :)

  4. I like how honest you were in this review. I have brow hair so it'd be useless on my barnet but was still intrigued being a newbie to lush hair care! I didn't realise they use parabens too :-/. Kat xx


    1. Thank you!! This shampoo works just as well for brown hair too :)
